It is very important that your recorded, personal information is accurate. Please always let us know if you move address or change your telephone number, as very occasionally we may need to contact you urgently.


You can access NHS 111 online or, you can call 111.

You will be asked some questions in order to help you further then 111 will give you advice. If you need to be seen by the duty doctor this can be arranged but may require you to attend the out of hours centre.


The surgery is open for telephone access daily from 8am to 6.30pm. It is closed weekends, bank and official holidays.

Named GP for all patients

What is the named GP requirement?

This is a contractual requirement and builds on the 2014-2015 agreement to provide a named and accountable GP for over 75s. The named GP requirement has now been extended to all patients.

What does 'accountable' mean?

The contract requires the named accountable GP to take responsibility for the co-ordination of all appropriate services required under the contract and ensure they are delivered to each of their patients where required (based on the clinical judgement of the named accountable GP).

The contract remains 'practice based', so overall responsibility for patient care has not changed. This is largely a role of oversight, with the requirements being introduced to reassure patients that they have one GP within the practice who is responsible for ensuring that this work is carried out on their behalf.

Does the requirement mean 24-hour responsibility for patients?

No. The named GP will not:

  • take on vicarious responsibility for the work of other doctors or health professionals
  • take on 24-hour responsibility for the patient, or have to change their working hours. The requirement does not imply personal availability for GPs throughout the working week
  • be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to that patient

Will practices have to write to patients to tell them their named GP?

There is no requirement to write to any patients regarding their named GP. Practices are required to inform patients of their named GP at the next appropriate interaction and it is for practices to decide what is appropriate.

What does this mean for me as a Patient?

You have a named GP. Your named GP will ensure that you receive the best possible level of care and support from our practice and will work with other relevant healthcare professionals, who are involved in your care, to ensure that your care meets your individual needs.

Even though you have been assigned a GP you can book to see any one of the GP’s or appropriate healthcare professional.

GP Earnings

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (ie average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. The average pay for GPs working in Great Harwood Medical Group in the last financial year was £80551 before deduction of pension contributions, tax and national insurance. This is for 6 part time GPs.


Great Harwood opening times

Monday         08:00 - 18:30
Tuesday        08:00 - 18:30
Wednesday   08:00 -18:30
Thursday       08:00 - 18:30
Friday            08:00 - 18:30

Rishton opening times

Monday         08:00 - 15.00
Tuesday        08:00 - 17:30
Wednesday   08:00 -13:00
Thursday       08:00 - 17:30
Friday            08:00 - 15.00